Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I found this on the internet. Apparently…maksudnya, hehehe, Christer Larsson ternyata jurnalis yang pertama kali ngebongkar program senjata nuklir yang ditutup-tutupi pemerintahnya. Jadi program senjata nuklir itu dilakukan dengan topeng program energi nuklir (buat energi maksudnya…bukan buat perang). Ini kalo orangnya sama yah. Kalo dilihat dari CV-nya, dia khan ngebongkarnya tahun 85, jadi saat itu dia kerja buat New Technology Magazine.
Ngeri juga nih dia. Abis itu dia kerja buat Swedish Broadcasting corporation. Nama dia muncul saat bekerja untuk Swedish Broadcasting Corporation di acara forum internasional gitu. Aneh nih orang, karena dia bikin paper soal remote sensing buat satelit segala, tapi abis itu kerja buat tv. Dan kayaknya kedatangannya menemui jurnalis Indonesia, ada hubungannya dengan tugasnya menggelar seminar soal media, dengan dana pemerintah Swedia – seperti tertulis dalam CV-nya. Pernah kerja buat UN juga lagi. So, is this guy a scientist, a peace officer for the UN, a broadcast journalist, a lecturer, or a “spook” (intel bo! Inteeeeeel à prosesor komputer kaleeeee).

The NPT and the Issue of Latent Proliferation
Roland Kollert

"The two dual-use power plants, along with a projected reprocessing plant that was declared civil, were central elements of the "Laddningsprogrammet" of the Swedish general staff. One version of the program proposed the production of twenty warheads per year by the late Sixties. It was not until 1985, when research by the journalist Christer Larsson was released, that the Swedish public was informed of the military function of their country's nuclear energy program."

Artikel lainnya nih soal Oom Larsson. Susah bo nyari referensinya si Oom Larsson, karena semua pake bahasa swedia (inga, ula, onatop – onatop?):

Swedish nuclear weaponry research has attracted rumours over the years, catching the attention of the media from time to time. The magazine ’Ny Teknik’ published a series of articles during the 80’s entitled ’Historien om en svensk atombomb’ (’The story of a Swedish atomic bomb’) that gave rise to intense discussion. The author, Christer Larsson, who was given a journalistic award for the series, stated that the Swedish public, Parliament and even certain members of the Cabinet had been deceived by an inner circle of decision makers.

According to Larsson, this inner circle, composed of ministers, senior officers and scientists, conducted a secret nuclear weapons programme covering the full spectrum of preparations. As a consequence the Government commissioned an inquiry led by the then Head of the Legal Section of FOA, Olof Forssberg. The report from the commission titled ’Svensk kärnvapenforskning 1945 -1972’ (’Swedish Nuclear Weapons Research 1945 - 1972’) and which was published in 1987, concluded that the picture drawn of Swedish nuclear research was distorted, and was characterised by errors and misinterpretations. According to Forssberg the research carried out never overstepped the limits imposed by Parliament and Government. In 1958 Parliament had decreed that no research aimed at the production of nuclear weapons was to be conducted, only research of a defensive nature was to be allowed.

Bhayu Sugarda

(Note: Mungkinkah Christer Larsson merasa sudah mentok di jurnalistik (apalagi yang mau dibongkar coba secara dia udah ngebongkar tujuan asli program nuklir negaranya?). Samakah dirinya dengan Bondan Winarno misalnya yang sekarang memilih jadi host "Mak Nyus"?)

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